Armored Core Wiki
Fixer - Emblem
General information
Classification Human
Gender Male
Affiliation and military information
Affiliation Global Cortex
Occupation Raven
Rank D-13
Craft AC Einhander
Real world information
Appearances Armored Core 3

Fixer is a Raven appearing in Armored Core 3. He is ranked D-13 in the Arena. He is partnered with Faust in the Extra Arena and they hold the title of the seventh highest ranked team.


Upon defeating D-15 Pylon in the Arena and obtaining Raven Rank D.

Title: -

"It looks like we'll be facing each other soon. Don't worry though, I'll be in top-form. Your defeat should be quick and painless."

AC Einhander[]

AC Einhander

AC Einhander

Einhander is a middleweight bipedal AC equipped with a ground torpedo launcher, a multi-missile launcher, a handgun and Moonlight laser blade.



In-Game Information[]

His innate understanding of AC warfare tactics and strategies surpasses that of any other pilot, but his own record is surprisingly inconsistent. Were he to apply himself, most believe he would rank among the Arena's best.


Fixer is one step up from the other Arena rankers up to this point. Unlike majority of the Arena rankers, Fixer is actually smart enough to know when to maintain a distance and when to close it, and his weapon usage corresponds to the range at which he is fighting; this means he will keep at a distance when using his missiles, and close the distance when using his handgun. In addition, he will also boost and jump around constantly to avoid enemy fire, making him no easy foe by any means. Do not be fooled by his AC frame, Fixer has the mobility to outspeed and outmaneuver slower ACs.

Beating him would involve having to play smart like he does; predict the trajectory of his missiles and dodge accordingly, this will help greatly in avoiding damage, or having missile defenses of some sort. Fixer will close the distance when he starts pelting you with handgun rounds, but his FCS choice grants him a very small targeting reticule, meaning you can circumvent this by staying out of his direct line of sight which makes it hard for him to properly line up his FCS to target you effectively--this can be done by staying close (out of his handgun's line of sight) and flanking him. In this manner, Fixer will have difficulty using his handgun on you, thereby forcing him to switch to his missile launchers, which require him to be at a distance to be effective.

Since Fixer does harbor high AP despite being a midweight AC, weapons that pack good damage and punch and recommended to use on him. Missiles like his own can work, but note that his constant hopping about tends to compensate for his apparent lack of missile defense.



The name Einhander refers to a scrolling shooter developed by Square for the PlayStation console. The name Einhänder is German and denotes a type of sword that is wielded with one hand.

